Be not dogs
Tuesday 11 February 2025

Clarity: God Points to Truth and Justice,
Not Dogs, Lies, and Unjustice
Leviticus 19:15
You shall not render an unjust judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great: with justice you shall judge your neighbour.
James 2:1
My brothers and sisters, do you with your acts of favouritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ?
Words of Grace For Today
God calls us to make and support just judgments, not partial to the poor nor deferring to the great (the rich, who are not all that great most of the time), but with clear justice for all.
Not that it is easy.
Sometimes the truth does seem to win:
A man walks on a park path.
A dog walks behind him.
A policeman approaches him and speaks to him. The man and the dog stop and listen to him.
He says the man must put a leash on his dog.
Without a word, the man walks on with the dog behind him.
The policeman follows the two, and stops them again.
The man and the dog look at the policeman as he warns the man again to put a leash on his dog.
Without a word, the man walks on again. The dog follows behind him.
The policeman follows behind them and tells them to stop, waving a ticket in the man’s face telling him to pay the fine.
The man protests asking why he should pay the fine?
That dog is not his.
But the policeman points out the dog walks behind him on the path.
The man answer, ‘Well, so do you. Must I put a leash on you, too?’
So we pray, may we not behave like lying dogs towards our neighbours, keeping the leashes where they belong, and letting our neighbours be free.