Clear, Foggy


Saturday, October 12, 2024

After It Has Lifted Considerably,

The Fog Remains on the Lake.

Is That Clear?

Genesis 50:20

Joseph said to his brothers: Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today.

Luke 6:28

Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

Words of Grace For Today

I woke to a clear morning,

early before the sun rose

in the twilight of dawn

in the thick fog

holding visibility to less than a quarter kilometre.

How can this be, you rightfully ask.

Take Joseph’s words to his brothers: you intended to do me harm, but God made something good of it, preserving our lives and helping us grow to a great and numerous people.

If they hadn’t thrown in the pit, and then sold him into slavery, where he served, was falsely accused by the wife of his master, and finally freed by Pharaoh for his wisdom and set as Pharaoh’s right hand, in charge of saving grain to prepare for the 7 year famine to come,

which would have wiped out his family back home,

then Joseph would not have been in a position to save his family.

Things are never just what they seem to be.

Most often things are very complicated, an interwoven set of events, actors, sufferers, and results.

Jesus knows this full well. Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.


Because things are never so simple.

The person who curses you today, when blessed may well be the person who saves you on the most challenging day of your life.

But even before that, cursing another person costs the person cursing as much as, if not more than, the person being cursed.

So how is this a clear morning in the soup of thick fog?

It’s complicated and true.

After a very short night’s sleep the night before last, leaving me in a brain fog of exhaustion yesterday, while I had to deal with a vehicle that just did not want to run,

last night I slept long and fast, a full 8.5 hours plus.

So the brain fog is gone. I see, think, hear clearly. I can work without risking making costly mistakes. It’s a wonderful recovery, made so marked by the comparison with how difficult yesterday was.

The fog shrouding the lake and touching even the trees across the meadow may limit visibility, but I need not see far to know what I see actually is what I can deal with, and must deal with.

Of course, I’m not driving or flying, in which case what you don’t see in the distance can literally knock you about until you are silly or never going see, hear, or smell anything ever again.

Today I am thankful (it is that weekend after all) that it is a crystal clear morning, shrouded in a wonderful hug of fog.

What has God done lately to use evil intentions, aimed at you, in order to bring about greater good? What can you be unexpectedly thankful for this morning?


As We’re Made To

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Learning About Shadows In The Snow,

We Can Do.

About God’s Commandments,


Psalm 119:73

Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments.

2 Thessalonians 2:15

So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by our letter.

Words of Grace For Today

To learn God’s commandments,

The God that made and fashioned us,

it not

merely to read the commandments, and perhaps memorize them, and then be able to regurgitate them for another person.

To learn God’s commandments, the commandments of the God who create us,

is to

know them by heart, mind and soul

so that, like muscle memory,

they become second nature

to our dealings with others

and all we do

as we traverse

the life that God created us to live.

Holding to traditions may seem to help,


to actually learn God’s commandments

is something so far beyond anything

we are capable of,

so that we must recognize

only as the Holy Spirit makes us able

can we learn (know, and do, and have embedded in our being)

anything about God

and anything good.

So we pray each day:

with thanks for everything that keeps us alive,

for forgiveness for all our sins,

and that we may do what is good and what is necessary,

which is to trust that the Holy Spirit will be with us through it all,

giving us what we need

to do what is good and necessary each day,

even today.

Especially today.



Sunday, October 6, 2024

Even Our Grandest Views of God’s Beautiful Creation,

Pale Compared to

God’s Love

Made Visible in Us Loving Each Other,

Even Our Enemies.

Isaiah 40:15

Even the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are accounted as dust on the scales; see, he takes up the isles like fine dust.

Romans 3:29

Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also,

Words of Grace For Today

The muck we get ourselves into is most often rooted in our forgetting or rather refusing to remember

that God is Almighty, Omniscient, Onmipresent, and all the other Everythings that God is, Divine, Immortal, All Loving ….

and we think we can get by without God

all on our own.

Thankfully God planned for that

and waits for us to repent, and turn back to God, ask forgiveness (which is already promised and given) and be renewed with the power of the gifts given to us in our baptisms,

even today

no matter what you did yesterday or before.

For God waits

as long as it takes,

for each and every one of us to humbly ask God for forgiveness,

so that we can all be renewed in God’s great, generous, gracious love

by giving the same to others in need.

Happiness vs Thankfulness

Not all that related as we might think

Thursday, October 3, 2024

If you lived here, would that make you happy?

What would make you give thanks?

What would bring you to give thanks?

Isaiah 44:24-26

Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer,
who formed you in the womb:
I am the Lord, who made all things,
who alone stretched out the heavens,
who by myself spread out the earth;
who frustrates the omens of liars,
and makes fools of diviners;
who turns back the wise,
and makes their knowledge foolish;
who confirms the word of his servant,
and fulfils the prediction of his messengers;
who says of Jerusalem, ‘It shall be inhabited’,
and of the cities of Judah, ‘They shall be rebuilt,
and I will raise up their ruins’;

2 Peter 1:19

So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

Words of Grace For Today

When God created, God promised many things. Here God promises that Jerusalem and the cities of Judah shall be rebuilt.

Does God ever promise us happiness?

Yes, I suppose many times over.

But is there a link between happiness and giving thanks?

Do we need to be happy to give thanks?

If we are happy will we give thanks?

If we give thanks will that make us happy?

If we have all that we can dream of, will that make us happy?

If we have all that we can dream of, will we finally be thankful?

At first glance one may think these relationships exist, but

they really do not

and there is endless evidence of wealthy people ‘with everything they could ever want’ being the most unhappy and thankless people on the earth,


there are millions of people who have almost nothing, not even the basics of life or security, who are both happy and thankful.

Perhaps the link is that God gives us everything good, happiness included, and when we realize that

we cannot help but being thankful for all the good things God gives us.

For life is corporal, and does require the basics for us to live on.

But life is only partially corporal, and the rest of life is what makes or breaks us being happy, and thankful.

These non-corporal things are all gifts from God.

We cannot attain them or possess them, not by our own efforts or otherwise, except that God gives them to us.

We can wake up each day, each minute, and realize again

how much God gives us

that makes us happy, that brings us to unavoidably be thankful.

Solitude or Not


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Is This The Promise or

The Curse,

The Bleak or

the Peaceful


Psalm 18:49-50

For this I will extol you, O Lord, among the nations, and sing praises to your name. Great triumphs he gives to his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to David and his descendants for ever.

Revelation 15:4

Lord, who will not fear and glorify your name? For you alone are holy.
All nations will come and worship before you, for your judgments have been revealed.

Words of Grace For Today

“These words and mysteriously similar paraphrases of them have been found in the writings of 50 hermits, spanning time from years before Christ, likely around the times of Jeremiah and Isaiah, all the way through to these recent years. And even more mysteriously from the writings of a hermit found just last year, that seem (according to the experts who date paper, ink, and other things) to be from 500 years in the future:

I never chose to become a hermit. It’s just after the betrayal and suffering caused by ones who professed to love me, this is where I ended up. Alone. It’s not that I don’t like the solitude. It is holy, sacred. It feeds me well as God provides in many and various ways. Most remarkably I’ve come to know that I am never alone, really. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit never part from me, walking through each challenge of surviving as I age, each provocation and threat by people who do not understand solitude as a gift or who believe the lies spread far and wide by my betrayers.

I have learned to be thankful for the little things: Clean air. Fresh water. Simple food. Clothing. Protection from the elements. Labour that is purposeful even though I seldom see any results. Most of all that there are a few people (very few really) who I still can safely love, who love me, with whom I communicate.”

From the archives of the Derdio Monastery, portrayed in the notes titled “Solitude” by T. Lofstrom © 2024

When we know that God shows steadfast love toward us, then alone or in the multitudes, we can find peace, and

know that God walks with us

each day.

Where is God today for you?

Do you see, taste, smell, hear, and sense God walking right there …?

The Problem

Is not strange to us.

It is us.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Like the trees all bent, and the flowers in bloom,

we are all equally part of God’s Creation.

Leviticus 19:34

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Colossians 3:11

In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!

Words of Grace For Today

That guy or thing from outer space, that alien, we’re supposed to welcome him-it, right?

Even when we cannot understand him-it?

Even when he-it wants to destroy us?

I’m not so sure about that, but thank God, we are not likely going to have to deal with aliens in our land any time soon, eh?

Immigrants that are so different from us, refugees who have been reduced to something other than normal by the trauma they have survived, strangers from other countries with strange looks and even stranger customs – well those we have to deal with.

There’s a huge problem with treating them just like ourselves, though. The economy just cannot provide for them as it provides for us.

And therefore so many of the comfortable, privileged, and wealthy (those not struggling to have clean air, water, nourishing food, sufficient shelter) say categorically that those strangers, those refugees, those immigrants are a big problem.

‘We have an immigrant problem, a refugee problem, and an temporary immigrant worker problem!’

Or so they say.

The real problem is us, though.

We have a comfort, privilege, wealth problem.

We have too much while so many other people on earth have far too little,

and we don’t want to give it all up

just to help a few others. (Well, billions others, really)

We are strangers to God’s Word:

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself …


there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free ….

We have forgotten that we or our ancestors all were at some time aliens, immigrants, refugees, and strangers. (Some of us are still a bit odd, a bit strange, come to think of it.)

The solution to our refugee, immigrant, temporary immigrant worker, and stranger problems is to put a refugee, an immigrant, a temporary immigrant worker, a stranger in charge of the the problem and give them the authority and means to solve the problem.

The solution to our comfort, privilege, wealth problem is …

Well, it’s scary, because it will eliminate all comfort, privilege, wealth

and everyone will enjoy or suffer equitably the resources we have and can produce for each other.

No one is an alien, not here.

We are all a bit strange,

Strange to the Word of God that would have us live completely equitably, fairly, justly, and compassionately towards one another.

The problem is not strange to us, it is us, as we continually try to live as strangers to God and God’s Word.

So what are we going to do about that!

Today! Of course.

Before ‘Yet’

And ‘Job answered’

Friday, September 20, 2024

What Came Before All This?





Job 9:1-9

Then Job answered:
‘Indeed I know that this is so; but how can a mortal be just before God?
If one wished to contend with him, one could not answer him once in a thousand.
He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength—who has resisted him, and succeeded?—
he who removes mountains, and they do not know it, when he overturns them in his anger;
who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble;
who commands the sun, and it does not rise; who seals up the stars;
who alone stretched out the heavens and trampled the waves of the Sea;
who made the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the chambers of the south …?

1 Corinthians 8:6

… yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.

Words of Grace For Today

There’s something before ‘yet’.

Is it important?

There was something before Job answered.

Is it important?

Context sometimes is everything.

Our context is simple to adduce:

God created everything and can do anything and everything.

We are creatures who live a short time, often suffering greatly,

even at our best when we love, it always ends in suffering the loss of love

or our life.

How can we pretend to take on God?


(there it is again)

Yet, we do so often,

So often to make good through and through fools of us,

like the ant that tries to escape from the anteater’s tongue.

Or like the mouse that tries to free itself from the trap.

Or the young bird that tries to fly through a window.

Or a person who tries to speak as if God.

What will we do today?

Live humble lives before our Creator?


Live futile lives trying to be our own godlets?

Twinkle Twinkle

Little Star,

Who is Going to Come to Save Us All, From So Far?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

As the Sun Rises Across the Land,

Do You See It Rising

For You, Too?

Numbers 24:17

I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near—a star shall come out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel.

Revelation 22:16

It is I, Jesus, who sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.’

Words of Grace For Today

To know God

Yet not know that God is near

Is a hopeful

but frustrating experience

shared by so many through all the generations.

Thus hope that carries many generations is that salvation may yet come


or ‘next year in Jerusalem’ perhaps,

or in the wildernesses that our lives have become,

all tangled with comforts, luxuries, and excesses

that we’ve forgotten how wonderful the fresh morning chill is when

it is countered by the warmth of a wood fire,

together promising another wonderful day,

not too cold, and not too hot,

not too wet, and not too dry,

not too windy, and not to close,

not too anything, and not too everything;

The perfect day awaits.

Did you even notice?

As the sun ascends

and hearts give thanks

and blessings are celebrated

and computers have updated

and a wonderful, promising day has begun.

Did you even notice

the star

out thar’


a Saviour

so close



For the flow?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Welcome to Paradise,


is it the Wilderness?

Deuteronomy 6:10-12

When the Lord your God has brought you into the land that he swore to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you—a land with fine, large cities that you did not build, houses filled with all sorts of goods that you did not fill, hewn cisterns that you did not hew, vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant—and when you have eaten your fill, take care that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

John 6:32

Then Jesus said to them, ‘Very truly, I tell you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.

Words of Grace For Today

Poverty is a wonderful lesson in humility,

or so they say,

Those who are not poor.

Thankfully the food bank is a steady and good supply of most basic foods and some others,

actually some very odd food that I’d never try or eat if I didn’t get them there.

Take Cookies and Cream Oatmeal.

A treat in a breakfast food.

Well I suppose they’ve made and sold lots of sugar cereals for decades, so why not this, too?





I easily forget

how hard it was


the food bank.

Not that I forget (life is too hard) how much God provides.

Every morning I thank God for everything that keeps me alive, and it’s more than just enough.

Lately there’s been so much meaningful labour

it’s hard to keep up

as winter is coming

and autumn is not that long

And there’s still wood to start collecting.


little by little

a thing here and a thing there gets done


I start to think

I may even be ready, for winter,

‘God willing and the creek nor rising’.

So today

first the thanks,

then the celebration,

then the meal


flat out work

if the rain is not too much or

the smoke too thick.

And how is your day shaped? With thanks, remembering who supplies all that keeps you alive, celebration, meal, and work?

Or is it something else.

Whatever, may it be blessed,

and may you remember who blesses it,

even if you live in the land ‘flowing with milk and honey.’

The Broom

Of God Does Not Sweep Us Away

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What’s Your Broom Tree Look Like,


First Kings 19:5-8

Then he lay down under the broom tree and fell asleep. Suddenly an angel touched him and said to him, ‘Get up and eat.’ He looked, and there at his head was a cake baked on hot stones, and a jar of water. He ate and drank, and lay down again. The angel of the Lord came a second time, touched him, and said, ‘Get up and eat, otherwise the journey will be too much for you.’ He got up, and ate and drank; then he went in the strength of that food for forty days and forty nights to Horeb the mount of God.

Matthew 6:31

Therefore do not worry, saying, “What will we eat?” or “What will we drink?” or “What will we wear?”

Words of Grace For Today

No Food.

No Food in the Wilderness.

No Drink in the Wilderness.

No Hope in the Wilderness

Well, after Elijah took on the prophets of Baal, and they (great in number) turned on him, leaving him no choice but to run for his life, it would come to this, wouldn’t it. Elijah gives up and lies down to die.

God planned for that, too. Not just for Elijah but for each and every one of us.

The angel brings him food and drink, two times, since Elijah needs at least that much to continue.

But there are so many times that we worry and fret about what we will eat and what we will drink. The worry is just as bad if not worse than the hunger and the thirst.

God does not have easy, comfort, boredom planned for any of us. God has adventures of the body, heart, and mind … and spirit in mind for all of us, traversing the wildernesses, becoming demonstrations and examples of God’s love providing life for us, becoming those who share that with others in need.

The broom tree is a place to rest. It is not a place where God abandons us, not ever.

Not even today.