
For Us

Monday, April 10, 2023

While Machines May Work For Us,

God Fights

With Miracles and Mysteries

For Us.

Exodus 14:14

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.

1 Corinthians 15:57

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Words of Grace For Today

I knew a young boy who put a bully in his place, on the ground with the boy on top of him, not beating him up, just pinning him there and telling him to leave his younger brother alone. After that bully not only left the younger brother alone, he protected both brothers from other bullies.

A version of that, only with a lot more physical violence, is what we too often think of when someone says they will fight for us. Okay, there are situations where there is no physical violence, just courtroom brawling, or boardroom brawling, or office brawling (which all entail plenty of violence, just not physical violence.)

God constantly promises to fight for us. And this fight is not against any young child trying to make a place for him or her self (i.e. a bully). Nor is it against the dirty lawyers and judges, CEO’s and directors, or office personnel. This fight is against the biggest of all, the devil and death itself.

God’s way of fighting is like that older brother. God is not about to destroy anything. God sends Jesus to suffer for us, to die for us, and then God brings Jesus back to life. That’s the kind of fighting God does. God shows us all this is God’s good earth, and everything in it is God’s (including all of us.)

Now, since God is always fighting for us, what have we to be afraid of?


That’s a good start to any day. I certainly will take it with a thankful heart and praise sung loud enough for the squirrels to be a bit disturbed.