Sotorus and Julius

Finding the Generations’ Blessings

Monday, May 1, 2023

So Much Technology Obscures and Distracts Us

From Seeing Clearly the Moon

And Jesus’ Light

Under Which All Generations Have Lived

(well almost all.)

Daniel 4:3

How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his sovereignty is from generation to generation.

Hebrews 12:28

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable worship with reverence and awe;


Words of Grace For Today

Sotorus’ journal lay before Julius. As he read, through his young eyes he began to recognize how many generations had lived, struggled to survive and flourish at times, and died. Among them were Sotorus’ father, Peter, Peter’s father, Isaac, and Isaac’s sister, Galilea, and their parents, Sotorus’ great-grandparents, Doug and Dawn. He read of their first venture into another galaxy to find a planet where humans could thrive. Yet it ended with an emergency evacuation and then a 2nd settlement at another planet, though his ancestors had returned to earth with the human population reduced by 90%.

In each generation Julius read how his people had oriented themselves by Jesus’ Word and Light. It had not been simple or naive. It was as great a challenge as any.

Yet as he had learned as a young child already, Jesus walked with his family, and with him. They were mystics, people said, able to see God and God’s works in the common every-day wonders that God provided to them all.

Julius that day before his 13th birthday started to form, what would guide him through the challenges of his life, a foundational understanding, an orientation for life, and a purpose for his own life. He would honour his ancestors and their work to help others with their life’s work. He would strive to give life abundant to all people. Little did he know what other people would make that cost him, and what joy and pain, love and hatred, hope and despair that would bring him.

So he started to realize, as his ancestors had in every generation, that life is full of possibilities, full of challenges, and always filled with God’s presence.

He thought (as we might also): What will our days be like this, another ordinary and extraordinary day in Easter?