Holy, Holy
And Gracious
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
God’s Grace Blossoms Full Today,
God Promises Grace
For Each New Day.
Numbers 14:17
And now, therefore, let the power of the Lord be great in the way that you promised when you spoke, saying, ….
Luke 1:49
… for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
Words of Grace For Today
There is always more that has gone before, and more after.
Not just in words of God’s promise, but in our lives. God has worked wonders in our past and promises many more in our futures.
So it is that each day, we give God praise, and hallow God’s name with our worship of songs, prayers, and deeds that extend God’s great works of grace to other people.
Charged and convicted of a crime that never happened, stripped of more than three times the money I had for retirement so that I can never hope to be out of debt, and left unable to even rent an apartment to live in, I have been blessed to live in a self-made camp as a mystic, a hermit, beside a lake, in the midst of nature, able to see the wonders of God each day.
God’s grace abounds. For while many would say I have lost nearly everything, precisely in having next to nothing or any prospects of ever having enough to live in a house again, I have gained full awareness of God’s grace and presence with me, through all that has been unjustly done to me, through all the challenges that the cold, heat, bugs, wild animals (worst are the two legged ones), storms, and equipment and body failures have thrown at me.
God’s grace abounds.
There is nothing
more so crucial
in all of life.