These are the


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Our lists are as helpful as clouds are for planning a meal.

Not at all.

Zechariah 8:16

These are the things that you shall do: Speak the truth to one another, render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace,

Romans 14:19

Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual edification.

Words of Grace For Today

It’s easy to find lists of things about which one can justifiably say, these are the things. One can even find lists of things about which one can justifiably say, these are the things we should do.

Peace always tops the list and love others is almost always in there, … as long as the list of things to do is a list of how to be good.

The trouble is that we

too often


to be bad

even in spite of ourselves wanting to think we are good.


here’s a list of things that we can always be sure we will do:




etc until the last one is: die

Empty lists of things that we can be sure we will do followed by a sure thing: death.

How did God ever expect us to make anything good come about when death is the only sure thing we know we will do, and it’ll be good because we leave room then for the next generation and for evolution??!

If that is a real question for us, then it’s time to take a break….