The Beginning

Hearts and Hands

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

In the Wilderness, Or Comfortable Homes …

Lamentations 3:41

Let us lift up our hearts as well as our hands to God in heaven.

James 5:13

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.

Words of Grace For Today

The beginning of everyday is to give God thanks

for saving us

though we do not deserve it, not at all.

It matters not if we are doing well, or suffering terribly.

The most determinative thing in life is that, by Grace alone, God has set us right with God, saved us, blessed us with many gifts, and sent us out into life to be God’s embodiments of that same Grace for others.

Hearts and Hands.

And Voices

And Minds

And all we have

giving God thanks.

That’s a start, the best start, to a day of striving to do the best we can,

Out of fear of God, and love for God and thanks for all God gives to us to share with others.