For What?

To Whom?

Monday, October 14, 2024

For an old, mobile, barely sufficient camper?

For the mountains?

For the roads to get there?

For signs to guide one on the road,

and through each day?

Psalm 150:6

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

Jude 1:25

… to the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time and now and for ever. Amen.

Words of Grace For Today

During a flood, we showed up after church to help people living along the water to sandbag, in an effort to save the community’s properties. Our sons asked why we had to go. We lived 10 miles away.

We answered that it was us paying rent for the air we breathe.

So we breathe, still today.

And rightfully so we are asked to give thanks in so many ways, to ‘pay rent for the air we breathe’ in so many ways.


A harvest festival of thanks.

A life pattern condensed into one day’s holiday and celebration.

Every day is a day to give thanks.

This holiday is a time to take stock again: Do we give thanks everyday, even for the things we think we do not owe thanks for?

Do we give thanks, by contributing even in ways, we may think we do not need to contribute or even give thanks?

For what, today, can we remember to give thanks?

To whom, today, can we remember to give thanks?

Is it with a word,

a phone call,

an email or text,

or a hug

and a prayer?