Working for Bounty or Being Still
Wednesday 19 February 2025

Where Do You Find Stillness Before God?
Psalm 127:1
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain.
Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain.
Luke 5:5-6
Simon answered, ‘Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.’ When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break.
Psalm 37:7a
Be still before the Lord.
Words of Grace For Today
He told his wife he’d be back the next day. Just a little business to take care of so that they’d have the money for that great retirement home they’d looked at. Well, he’d looked at for them. She was too sick that day.
She said they should spend time together. She was feeling exceptionally well. We don’t want to miss out. Not like before.
Before. I was there with you for every birth, every birthday and milestone. Well, most anyway.
Really?!, she said.
Well, I was right there with you, for the birth of our first two children. Though I had to leave for that business meeting and then your water broke. Still I was there early the next day to spend the first day with you and our youngest.
Time flies. Now they’re all grown and have families of their own.
So that’s what you think being there is? Then go, go do your business. But remember I invited you to stay with me today.
So off he went.
She had a massive heart attack six hours later.
When he returned ….
There wasn’t a thing now he wouldn’t give to have those six hours with her. To be wise enough to not run off when she invited him to stay with her. They could have played chess, gone for a short walk out around the yard, listened to all the birds, squirrels, maybe seen a deer.
Instead, he’d gone to finalize the sale of part of his business. It had to be that day for the extra bonus, the unbelievable bonus of nearly 50% more than he’d gotten otherwise.
Now that extra money meant nothing. He certainly didn’t want to move into that retirement home without her. He didn’t want to do anything, not without her.
No matter what we work at, when we take no time to be still before the Lord, we run off like chickens without their heads. We cover lots of ground, and it’s all for nought. We build great homes, and it’s all for nought. We make great plans for our future, and it’s all for nought.
Be still.
Listen to Jesus’ heart beating in your chest.
Feel the Spirit moving through your mind.
Sense God All-Everything flowing in your veins.
Be still and know God’s Word in you, around you, for you, for all people.
And then give it your all.