Bribes of Glory?

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Which Path Will We Choose

Deuteronomy 16:19

You must not distort justice; you must not show partiality; and you must not accept bribes, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.

John 5:44

How can you believe when you accept glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the one who alone is God?

Words of Grace For Today

There is no end to wise sayings on how to live, many formulated as commands that in the not keeping will cost us our … our what? Our lives? Sometimes that is the threat. Our faith? That is sometimes the threat.

The truth is most of the time not following the wisdom will not cost us our lives, our faith or anything less than our ability to participate in creation as God created us to.

So if we give or take bribes, we subvert honest, just processes … and by that someone else always loses out. So we are actually paying not for preferential handling for us, but deferential handling for someone else!

And if we seek glory from other than our own Creator and God, what then? We distort our lives in God’s good creation and given witness to that being possible and accepted to all who see and know what we do.

Saints are equipped to give witness to the goodness of God and God’s creation. So glory sought elsewhere undermines our life’s work.

What are we equipped to do this day?

Volumes of goodness, so today is another opportunity to live as God intends and equips us to live: abundantly, filled with gratitude.