
Wondrous Works

Piled High and Wide

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Is This Inside A Home

Even Though It Is No House?

Only As It Is Lit By Christ’s Love?

Job 9:10

God does great things beyond understanding, and marvellous things without number.

Ephesians 1:3

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,

Words of Grace For Today

After breakfast there’s dishes to be done, coffee grounds to be disposed of, garbage to be taken out, teeth to be flossed and brushed. Not such great works, but over time they add up to a whole lot of time (and coffee grounds and other garbage tossed out. If it was all in one pile how high and wide would it be? And how it would stink!)

Greater works are those that construct homes. The labour of most ‘stick’ houses in North America is not insignificant, though the structures are designed to last 50 years, and then replacements have to be built! In Germany the standard house is built to a code that results in a structure that should last for 200 years. Now that is a structure. Unless global warming leaves Germany as frigid as Canada and those houses are nearly useless for lack of insulation!

The greater work is to turn a completed structure into a home. That takes care, patience, and love for and by all those who live therein.

Still, a home will most always disintegrate back to being a mere house, sometimes a cursed house, where hate, distrust, and destruction are the norm for each day for all therein. The only way to counter the gravitational pull for homes to disintegrate into houses of hate is to actively revive love each day, even in the face of hate, distrust, and destruction run amok, even at home.

Where are the great works? Superhighways? Skyscrapers? Great Walls that divide and defend? Technology enabled defence systems and military systems? Supercomputers that in minutes defeat all encryption? Rise to power over the greatest powers? Controlling the greatest powers from the shadows? Amassing the greatest wealth and properties? Establishing a colony on the moon? Sending people to Mars? Defeating a virus (sort of only as it continues to mutate?) Finding a ‘cure’ for cancer, malaria, antibiotic resistant bacteria? Solving the energy needs of today’s world and with it reversing climate change? Saving people who are trafficked into slavery, even yet today? Helping an addict onto the road of recovery? Raising an autistic child to be able to interact in the world, and one in a million being an unmatched genius, who helps change the course of human history for the better?

By comparison God’s works, and even one of God’s works, is so much more. As Job gives witness to, when everything else seems to be against us and we have lost everything, that is not God’s pronouncement of having abandoned us, instead it is opportunity for us to see clearly how God walks with us, through hell, back into the Light and love of life. God overcomes our fears! God overcomes our darknesses! God overcomes our hate!

God even overcomes death itself!

Piled over time all together high and wide they cover and permeate every corner of the universe.

These are the wondrous works of God

even today

even for us.