The Hard Way


Friday, October 11, 2024

Even as the sun sets,

God renews life again,

and again,

and again,

for us

with forgiveness.

Psalm 130:4

But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.

Luke 23:34

Then Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.’ And they cast lots to divide his clothing.

Words of Grace For Today

Any old mean son of a … erm, a gun, can hold a grudge and seek revenge.

Pretty much any person can be that mean, no old or son qualities needed.


to forgive.

Now that takes courage, strength, and wisdom beyond normal.

Thankfully (mentioning also it is Thanksgiving weekend) God is not a God of grudges and revenge. Else we’d all be doomed.

Thankfully (it’s that weekend, eh?) God is a God of steadfast love and forgiveness.

We have God’s promise that God will forgive us our sins, all of them, every last one of them, even the really, really evil and ‘unforgivable’ ones.

All we have to do to be forgiven is … well, nothing.

We just get to acknowledge that we are forgiven, and get on living as forgiven people, not perfect people, not evil people, but forgiven people. That’s a humble way to move through life.

Of course,

God also forgives our enemies.

You know, the one’s Karma forgot about, that list that we each keep, those names and events that burn a hole in our pockets, or rather in our hearts, minds, and spirits.

And since God forgives us and them, we get to

– see that, it’s not we have to, it’s we get to, we are privileged to, we are honoured by the Holy Spirit giving us the ability to –

we get to forgive our enemies and all the people who would and have done us harm.

Now that

is quite a way to live,

Quite a marvellous, miraculous, life-energizing, peaceful way to live.

And since we get to live that way,

We also get to revere God who makes it possible.

Just saying,

maybe revering God and giving God thanks

outta be part of our Thanksgiving weekend,

and every day that ends with ‘y’, eh.

Maybe even today,

especially the today

of each morning.