Clear, Foggy


Saturday, October 12, 2024

After It Has Lifted Considerably,

The Fog Remains on the Lake.

Is That Clear?

Genesis 50:20

Joseph said to his brothers: Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today.

Luke 6:28

Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

Words of Grace For Today

I woke to a clear morning,

early before the sun rose

in the twilight of dawn

in the thick fog

holding visibility to less than a quarter kilometre.

How can this be, you rightfully ask.

Take Joseph’s words to his brothers: you intended to do me harm, but God made something good of it, preserving our lives and helping us grow to a great and numerous people.

If they hadn’t thrown in the pit, and then sold him into slavery, where he served, was falsely accused by the wife of his master, and finally freed by Pharaoh for his wisdom and set as Pharaoh’s right hand, in charge of saving grain to prepare for the 7 year famine to come,

which would have wiped out his family back home,

then Joseph would not have been in a position to save his family.

Things are never just what they seem to be.

Most often things are very complicated, an interwoven set of events, actors, sufferers, and results.

Jesus knows this full well. Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.


Because things are never so simple.

The person who curses you today, when blessed may well be the person who saves you on the most challenging day of your life.

But even before that, cursing another person costs the person cursing as much as, if not more than, the person being cursed.

So how is this a clear morning in the soup of thick fog?

It’s complicated and true.

After a very short night’s sleep the night before last, leaving me in a brain fog of exhaustion yesterday, while I had to deal with a vehicle that just did not want to run,

last night I slept long and fast, a full 8.5 hours plus.

So the brain fog is gone. I see, think, hear clearly. I can work without risking making costly mistakes. It’s a wonderful recovery, made so marked by the comparison with how difficult yesterday was.

The fog shrouding the lake and touching even the trees across the meadow may limit visibility, but I need not see far to know what I see actually is what I can deal with, and must deal with.

Of course, I’m not driving or flying, in which case what you don’t see in the distance can literally knock you about until you are silly or never going see, hear, or smell anything ever again.

Today I am thankful (it is that weekend after all) that it is a crystal clear morning, shrouded in a wonderful hug of fog.

What has God done lately to use evil intentions, aimed at you, in order to bring about greater good? What can you be unexpectedly thankful for this morning?