Delights Abused

Always Cost Us Life Abundant

Monday 24 February 2025

Beauty and Delight,

Or Chemical Escape

As Deadly As Lies

That Kill In So Many Ways?

Amos 6:4a, 6

Alas for those who drink wine from bowls, and anoint themselves with the finest oils, but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!

Ephesians 5:18

Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit

Words of Grace For Today

God has given us many ways to enjoy life on earth, only one of them is alcohol.

When we use what God has given for enjoyment as a way to dull our way through life, in order to deal with the pain life can be, we suffer.

Some suffer alcoholism, a disease of addiction that always beckons as an escape, an escape that always ends in death, unless one continually recovers, finding the goodness of life, starting always with honesty with oneself.

Other prices are many all the ways we take God’s delights, and turning them into escapes from honesty, from reality, from the suffering of life (ours and others.)


It’s hard.

But it is so much easier in the long term.

For God intends for us to find delight in life, even as we remain sinners, causing pain for ourselves and others.

For God intends for us to pursue justice for all, and to share all that we receive as gifts from God, so that more and more people can find delights in life.