Encounters With God
Tuesday 25 February 2025

When was the last time you encountered God?
How did you respond?
Or did you not notice?
God Encounters happen many times each day for everyone!
Psalm 118:14
The Lord is my strength and my might; he has become my salvation.
James 5:13
Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.
Words of Grace For Today
Scripture reports people responding to their encounters with God in many different ways:
Glowing faces (Moses)
Glowing clothes (Jesus)
Humility (David)
Astonishment (witnesses to Jesus’ healings and calming of the sea)
Thankful Survival (Elijah and the Widow)
Gratitude (Psalms and many others)
Naming God as one’s Rock, Salvation, Helper (Psalms and )
Calls to prayer and praise
So how can we respond with indifference as if God were irrelevant?
Or with Ho-Hum, business as usual?
Too used to miracle stories, we reduce them to elements of science and explain them away or dismiss them as false reports by fanatics.
Too successful in our own endeavours we choose to ‘rely’ on ourselves, while sinking into profound sadness as individuals and as a people, since no matter how we succeed (wealth, power, fame, or supposed freedom) our achievements remain unable to ‘pull us up by our bootstraps’ into joy at being alive.
Scripture is full of acknowledgements that we think, speak, and live in such fogs of denial about God.
Thus Scripture and Tradition is full of Wisdom of the ages admonishes us to
Be still.
Be humble.
Be thankful.
Be contrite.
Be bold.
Be as God created us to be, those who embody God’s Grace for us all… again today.